Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Zoo As Civilization

"You're captives of a civilization that more or less compels you to go on destroying the world in order to live...You are captives-  and you have made a captive of the world itself.  That's what at stake isn't it?-  Your captivity and the captivity of the world."

-Daniel Quinn

Ota Benga, African Pygmy caged
and displayed in a zoo, 1904
The idea of the "zoo," a collection of animals held in captivity for display, has existed since ancient Egypt.  In earlier ages, the royal elite collected menageries of exotic animals.  As is usually the case with royal controllers, they like to show off their power by controlling other sentient beings.  For a king or queen, it is not enough for the lion to be majestic on the African plain.  The tyrant must control the animal's essence- a character flaw still present in today's powerful rulers.  Living and allowing to live in accordance with nature has never been their aim.  Theirs has always been a firm drive to bastardize nature through absolute bloodthirst and heart-wrenching imprisonment. 

Many people would be able to come up with strong arguments in favor of zoos.  "My kids like to see the animals."  "The zoos treat the animals like celebrities."  "Having zoos is critical to scientific progress."  By dealing with the animals in captivity, according to zoologists, they can better "protect" similar animals in the wild.  All arguments are merely excuses for a trend of control started in the early 19th century by the secret society of devil-worshipping Freemasonry.  All these reasons are excuses for locking up living things that are supposed to be roaming the Earth free, as the Creator intended.  Today we see the results of captivity in animals and they are not encouraging as newborns in captivity struggle to live.
Panda Mei Xiang cradles her
 dead cub
Indeed, it was a Freemason who started the London Zoological Society in 1828.  Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles founded the Society in 1826.  Not only was Stamford Raffles "fond" of animals, he was also a notable British imperialist, creating Singapore and claiming the port for the British Empire.  The idea of "conservation," preached by those in favor of brutal captivity, is usually popularized after a wild economic boom which decimates an animal population.  For example, when ivory was exotic and much desired, elephants were routinely killed until they were almost extinct.  Comically, the same elite that makes all the profit from the extermination, afterwards uses their immense power to enforce conservation measures.  And conservation measures are a convenient weapon to enhance land control.

In America, during the same 19th Century, Charles Goodnight and fellow Freemason Oliver Loving, conquered the Texas panhandle by fighting the Comanches Indians.  As Texas Rangers, they drove the Comanche from their ancestral home.  After all the buffalo were needlessly decimated,  Goodnight and Loving became some of the first cattle ranchers of the West.  They drove their Texas longhorns north along the Pecos River and sold them for a tremendous profit.  Goodnight and Loving were immortalized in Larry McMurtry's Lonesome Dove series.  Numerous towns and landmarks are named after Goodnight and Loving. 

Palo Duro Canyon, Texas
What do the history books remember? Mostly, the history books are very kind to Goodnight and his Freemason friends, lauding Goodnight's many romantic stories like the time he took the corpse of his friend Loving all the way back to Texas.  History books tend to focus on the time he and other whites brought back a girl stolen by the Indians, a story later adapted by John Ford in his movie The Searchers.  Other exploits such as his raising buffalo and cross-breeding them with cattle are praised as philanthropic and visionary. 

Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones
play Augustus McRae andWoodrow Call,
characters based on Goodnight and Loving 
The flowery accounts of Goodnight's success must be tempered with doses of reality.  After eradicating the Indians, his success was largely attributed to setting his ranch up in one of the most desirable pastures on the Earth, the Palo Duro Canyon, south of Amarillo, Texas.  The JA Ranch, named after his wealthy British-national business partner, John Adair, was yet another extension of control made possible by the shadowy Masonic group.  Goodnight founded the Panhandle Stockman's Association, an organization designed to keep cattle ranching an endeavor of mostly elitists.

The successful ranching efforts of Goodnight was only possible by stealing the land from the Indians and eradicating an enitre competing food source.  His "success" was largely by default, determining on a skewed playing field using racist logic.  It is a shame all those monuments salute him as "the Father of the Panhandle."  Would the same be said today in Singapore of Raffles?

Where are the next Stamford Raffles and Charles Goodnights?  Will it be possible for the next imperialists to substantiate their behavior even if it results in genocide?  How will the elite enforce Agenda 21 and further ghettoize human beings into zoo plantations? 

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