Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Government Hates Peaceful Disengagement

"I'm not a dictator. It's just that I have a grumpy face."
-Augusto Pinochet (Chilean Dictator, 1915-2006)
Government forces have got to make people believe they are needed. The Egyptians have completely rejected their immediate government only to face a new enemy: The Globalist War Machine. The U.S. is desperately trying to divert attention from "losing" Egypt into a positive where government services appear to be necessary, even heroic.
In Egypt, it is clear what the Egyptian people hope to accomplish with their revolution. They want Mubarak and the rest of his cronies/henchmen OUT. No talking- the time for talk and compromise has passed. And, most importantly: The people have won. The puppet government has lost. The Egyptian people are now facing off against the Guy behind the Guy. The shadowy globalist bunch's future is now at stake, just like that. Mainly they strong-arm people with the large military industrial complex of the United States, but these criminals know various nationalities and no boundaries.
There are real problems for the globalists now since the people received the news that the Army would defy Mubarak's order to open fire on the people. Mubarak gave the order to shoot to kill over the weekend but the Army did not issue a solid statement about their stance until today. There is nothing the elite hates more than a peaceful revolution. In order to fool everybody, the corporate forces have got to win the information war in order to sway public into debt servitude once again. This is why they have dispatched one of their most criminal officials to the region to try and frame debate in a way that will protect U.S. interests at the expense of everybody else, of course.
"A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having."

- V, (movie character from the movie V for Vendetta)
Frank Wisner, ex- RAND Corporation employee and former ambassador, was sent to Egypt to try and salvage what has become a public relations nightmare. The dictator, who is supported by the United States has lost control, and the United States wants to continue to bully the Egyptian people into accepting a puppet governor. This is tough job.
Who better than Wisner, whose father was the head of Operation Mockingbird, the CIA program designed to lie and brainwash the American people to quench the globalist thirst for bloodshed and foreign riches.
The refusal by the Egyptian Army to follow orders has just exacerbated the U.S. shadowy influence in oppressing the Egyptian people. The U.S. leaders lie like such cowards when they said they were behind the people, wanted the Internet restored, and wanted to install reforms. These lies fell flat and day by day are becoming more and more laughable and pathetic.
"Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media."
- Noam Chomsky (Linguist and Author, 1928- )
As problems overseas are compounded by the ineptness of government leaders, the military industrial complex has attempted to bail out negative sentiment toward government installations with a massive blizzard the kind of which hasn't been seen in years, maybe decades. The storm, dubbed "Snowpocalypse" by the worthless corporate media, stretches from New Mexico in the West all the way to the Eastern seaboard. The National Weather Service is warning that the storm may be "life-threatening." According to sources, planes were seen feverishly "chemtrailing" the skies weeks prior to the storm, including an onslaught of spraying on Monday, which turned an otherwise clear sunny day into a white, frigid roof of clouds.
Below: The tyrant reacts to an rising revolutionary atmosphere (from the movie, V for Vendetta)

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