"The first rule of fight club is, you don't talk about fight club." (For the eight rules of fight club, click here) In this 1999 suspense film starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt, a violent sect is founded by a group of disenfranchised men. They live in a dilapidated building
on the outskirts of town. They perform random acts of terror, partly in revenge and partly out of boredom. The goal seems to be to create anything but the status quo- to create a state of anarchy. At one point in the movie, Edward Norton's character even tries to turn himself in to the police only to find out that the police are also followers of his self-created sect and will not allow even the movement's creator to disrupt "Project Mayhem."
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1166549/Undercover-anarchist-mob-How-Mail-infiltrated-group-heart-violence.html This group is once again in the news for thwarting both the peaceful protests and the economic summitt. "Black Bloc", as the protest group is known, operates in cities where meetings take place. Authorities arer well-acquainted with this group. Black block is also used as terminology to describe the way in which the protesters lock arms and make it tough for police to disperse groups. I especially like their "clown tactics."
They specialize in absolute mayhem- total violence and vandalism. The rioters wear masks or scarves to cover their faces. The peaceful protesters don't like them because the anarchists incite police with acts of vandalism. The police retaliate even stronger and arrest and hurt many of the peaceful protesters. The Black Bloc first gained the world stage at the WTO summitt in Seattle in 1999. The walked through the streets for an hour, vandalizing and beating peaceful protesters. The retaliation by the police was extraordinary.
A popular theory among people who wish to see the Federal Reserve System abolished is that this group is a hoax, controlled or infiltrated by law enforcement to thwart civil disobedience. By staging the violence, law enforcement gives itself the reason to strike back and quash even peaceful rebellions. By creating the problem, police are able to diminish protests. Peaceful people are either arrested or investigated further all because of a handful of hooligans. During the time this riff-raff is prowling the streets, the police are nowhere to be found. It is a bit curious...kinda like when Clark Kent is never around the same time as Superman....
Hints of an inside job abound the Black Bloc's protests. The group is allowed to have a headquarters and places to rendezvous their movements. It is unclear how this group is funded. However, $20 million pound sterling is awarded to the Treasury specifically for this type of rioting. Last week in London, all the banking buildings and most surrounding buildings had boarded up their windows. One bank, The Royal Bank of Scotland refrained from boarding up its windows. The Black Bloc was filmed breaking the bank's windows with garbage cans with a camera crew in perfect range and zero law enforcement presence.
The modern anarchist ideology is hard to pin down. In fact, in the late 19th century, "anarchy" had an entirely different meaning. Today, it has morphed from the ideas about small government and inalienable individual economic freedom to ideas about anti-money and nihilistic behavior. Today's anarchists aren't very practical about the free market. Their ideology suggests a constant state of overthrow which inevitable result is authoritarian. This end is the very thing they were originally rebelling against.
One similarity between today's anarchist and the anarchist of the 19th century has been the fear associated with anarchists. There has always been, in the media, a terrorist element associated with anarchism. The desire for chaos easily grabs peoples' fears and the fear takes over public opinion. The media has exploited this to paint all protests and protesters with a wide brush in hopes of limiting or ending dissent on issues. In the 19th century episode "against anarchists," the Chicago Tribune was instrumental in uniting public opinion against the anarchists. The newspaper told tales of conspiracies and lone, bomb-wielding foreigners. Louis Lingg was executed along with other anarchists. ( for more, click here)
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