Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Lotus Revolution and Global Land-Grabbing

"Agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and navigation; the four pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most free to individual enterprise."

-Thomas Jefferson (American Author and Inventor, 1762-1826)

The brave and courageous Egyptian people enter their 13th day of celebration in deposing President Mubarak and his entire regime. Though the President has not left yet, most of his interior comrades have thrown in the towel, including his own son, Gamal Mubarak, the presumed successor. The Egyptian people have taught the world a lesson in courage, intelligence, unity, perseverance, self control, brotherhood, and determination. The Lotus Revolution (Egypt) has been at times beautiful; other times upsetting; other times frustrating. Like the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, it started as protesting and ended with the defeat of hated police forces who tortured the citizenry for confessions and bribes. Even though the numbers of the peaceful protesters proclaim loudly the desires of the vast majority, the ruling elite in Egypt and around the world have still refused to acknowledge the demands of the people.

Jasmine is a genus of shrubs and vines from the olive family that grows around the lands of the Old World near the Mediterranean Sea. The small white flower is Tunisia's national flower.

The blue lotus flowers, also know as the Egyptian Blue Water Lily and the Egyptian White Water Lily are flowers found in the marshy areas around the Nile River. The blue variety, when dawn approaches, the petals expand and bloom. At night, the aquatic perennial closes up and retreats beneath the water line. The white lotus flower flowers during the night and closes up during the day.

The lotus is a significant part of ancient Egyptian culture. For the ancient Egyptians, the lotus flower was the symbol of the sun; of creation and rebirth. According to ancient Egyptian creation myth, the first lotus flower was a giant flower that rose from the depths of the water on the first day the sun shone on the Earth. The lotus flower is the quintessential symbol of Upper Egypt.

The Egyptian Revolution has been appropriately dubbed the Lotus Revolution. Every day, without stopping, the people amassed in Tahrir Square for protest and celebration. Each night, the crowd changed but revived itself.

The peaceful revolutionaries have thus far been very prudent in the decisions that are made, or are attempted to be made for them. The Egyptians have brilliantly realized the power in a leaderless revolution. The humble intentions of the many Egyptians to fire their own leader, has exposed the importance of Egypt's geopolitical position in the world. Behind Mubarak stands the Global Criminal Elite, a criminal conglomerate, named for different factions, but all after the same ends. To consolidate their dream of a one world government, no separate "peoples" can be allowed to compete with the New World Order's exploitation.

A free Egypt would dramatically change the plans of one world government enthusiasts like the United Nations, Monsanto, Israel, and the U.S. Corporate Government.

Another sacred natural wonder for the ancient Egyptians was water. For the ancients, the god Khnum would flood the Nile Delta each year, leaving behind a base of fertile black silt in which to plant food. Egypt enjoys a warm climate conducive for growing. The problem is most of Egypt's land is barren desert. What if water could somehow be brought in to aid in cultivation?

Most of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer lies a kilometer under the lands of modern-day Egypt, the western edge of Libya, and the northern edge of the Sudan. By August of 2010, the dream of tapping into the ancient waters of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer had become a reality. In North Africa, where the population is growing fast, the land could use come more tillable ground to provide food for the people that live there. “Growing essential crops like wheat in other water-rich African countries where fertile land is in abundance is an important solution,” said Ayman Farid Abu Hadid, chairman of the state-run Agricultural Research Centre, which signed the deal on behalf of the Egyptian government. “Cultivating wheat in other African countries will reduce the cost of imports.

Unfortunately, global forces MUST control these resources in order to control the people. Like many of the elite-driven construction projects and environmental programs, they fool a lot of people into thinking the plans are purely altruistic. Upon closer scrutiny, the science and regulations are designed to only benefit large corporate interests while preventing the people from being autonomous from subjugation. So, just like in the United States and the United Nations program of Agenda 21, government forces are using phony environmental sciences like global warming to promote a veiled land and freshwater grab to control populations.

"Of course people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best thing he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?"

-Hermann Goering (Nazi Official, 1892-1946)

Egypt blew up before the globalists had a chance to exploit the new farmlands. Monsanto has had the full-court press on in recent years to bastardize the land with genetically modified seeds. Egypt became the first country to approve the commercialization of genetically modified seeds in 2008. Since then, other African countries have allowed the bastard seeds to ruin their land; though, South Africa suffered a massive GM-corn crop failure in 2009. Even during the populist uprising in Egypt which the Obama Administration tried to side with the rebels, they approved the widely opposed genetically modified cultivation of alfalfa. Completely untested, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration merely shuffles global projects like genetically modified salmon through as safe. At least the Egyptians have not sat idly by as the New World Order tries to destroy their land and their people.

Hopefully, the Egyptian people will be able to expel foreign exploitation and retain the fruits of their strategic geopolitical poistion. Control of the Suez Canal, minerals under Egyptian soil, and water for the people should outweigh any global aspirations any foreign or Egyptian do-gooder suggests as policy. Though the U.S. openly states they would like Egypt to control their own destiny, these words they do not mean. Mubarak is their puppet, so the source of Egypt's current pain is, in many ways, the United States, Great Britain, and their joint support of Israel.

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