Friday, September 10, 2010

Slavery By Paper Money

"The question is not 'Can they reason?' nor 'Can they talk?' but rather, 'Can they suffer?'"
-Jeremy Bentham (Philosopher, 1748-1832)

As the global masters shift the wealth into other parts of the world in pursuit of their one world government, many Americans are finding themselves disillusioned with many of the actions of the country they were taught to love. Shakedowns by the elite- royalty, nobility, statists, or invaders- is not a new idea. Tyranny is a very old idea. The ideas of individual freedom are the young ideas in the overall assessment of the history of humanity. Contrary to the myths propagated by the American public school system, the media and others, the bonds of servitude are still unbroken, masked behind financial terrorism and legal statutes that ultimately place sovereigns above the masses. It is through the fiat money system created by the Federal Reserve and prevention of outright land ownership that has enabled the few to control the vast swaths of humanity as they struggle, plagued by constant debt.

Just before the American Revolution, a similar feeling pervaded those with a brain that desired more than the life of a well-cared-for debt slave.

"These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly:--'Tis dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to set a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared, that she has a right (not only to TAX) but "to bind us in all cases whatsoever," and if being bound in that manner is not slavery, then there is not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious, for so unlimited a power can only belong to GOD."

-Thomas Paine (Corsetmaker, American Patriot, and Pamphleteer; excerpt from The American Crisis Number 1, December 19 1776)

Much like early America's time under the oppression of the British King George, Americans today are experiencing similar oppression by the privately-owned Federal Reserve banking system. So complete is the power created by the paper money system, above all else, economic confusion is reigning as the lives of Americans are being suffocated by ruthless and reckless monetary policy, misinformation, and a controlled, rigged economic system that is based on how close one can get to the printing press.

In Obama's America they have semi-successfully clouded the subject of the Federal Reserve printing the money out of thin air with adjacent issues of race and religious fundamentalism. It isn't about race or religion at all- it is about power; the power to control large populations by controlling the money supply. This control pervades all aspects of life whether people recognize it or not. All investment becomes subject to scrutiny but the federal overlords. Under the guise of protection they are able to control, through the manipulation of debt and interest, the priorities of society.

In a fiat money system, it is necessary for the masses to largely be ignorant of the benefits of a sound money system. The confusion created by this "monetary favoritism" is evident in almost every economic action taken by the federal government to try and "save" the economy. Recently, 30,000 homeless people in Atlanta showed up for housing vouchers. People were shocked about the chaotic nature that occurred, but this was an expected result of a clearly foreseen situation created by the creation of money that should not exist. Situations like this are inevitable when money is arbitrarily passed out. Obama's education plan, "The Race to the Top" (or Trough), was administered in a similar fashion. Every state had to submit a proposal and the benevolent judge (the plantation master) graciously picked the grateful winners.

This Administration, because of the acute pressure of the financial crisis, has been especially adamant about protecting the paper money system as Rahm Emanuel, White house chief of Staff, was actively working with Fed and their lobbying firms to stop Ron Paul H.R. 1207, which would have subjected the Fed to an outside audit and exposed the tyranny over the American people. For now, the establishment is safe from audit and they are touting their "jobs" bills. The federal government operates under the false assumption that the government creates jobs. This couldn't be further from the truth. All government should do is provide the environment in which people can earn a living for themselves and not have to pay people off for the right to live. Alan Keyes summed up the situation very clearly at the National Press Club on August 4, 2010 when he said: "What did it mean to be a slave? It meant that you actually had guaranteed shelter, guaranteed clothing. Your master guaranteed your food, your clothing, your shelter, and a job. Sounds interesting? Doesn't it? that's exactly what the Obama faction and the leftists and the socialists and the so-called 'liberals' want to pretend is what Americans should aspire to." The National Pulse would add that slave had a leg up because they had no debt. Americans are swamped in debt and there is very few avenues which to turn to escape the spectre of debt. The true Constitutional American dream has more to do with freedom from taxation than employment.

How are people to escape this tyranny? One way is to realize how the fiat money system has created the social conditioning conducive to monetary manipulation. Of course, the small-minded, disturbed by confrontation, will always accept the path of least resistance. Should we, as Nelson Rockefeller told Aaron Russo, "Why worry about the people? Worry about yourself...worry about your family." The National Pulse would encourage its readers to adopt the attitude of Thomas Paine, however. Paine recounts a story, outside a tavern, where a man holding a child, after a long discourse about the ills of the day said, "Well! give me peace in my day." Paine famously speculated a good father, knowing that "a separation must some time or other finally take place" would have said, "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."

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