Friday, January 25, 2013

Everything is About Control

"The members get the food that rightfully belongs to them, and it's been that way for the last 10 years.  I feel very strongly that individual families should have the right to choose what they want to eat."

-Vernon Hershberger, Dairy Farmer 

Freedom to eat what one wants would seem to be a pretty basic American virtue-  A person can eat what they like to eat.  Does the government feel the same way?  In a word, no.  The new bureaucrats that rode into Washington with Obama in particular are fanatics of the nanny-state.    

Infamously, during the confirmation of Supreme Court member Elena Kagan, Sen. Tom Coburn asked Kagan if the government had the right to tell Americans what they could and could not eat.  Amazingly, she pauses and declines to answer because clearly she is yet another control-freak, busy- body, government statist.  They care nothing about freedom and everything about control.  Sadly, there are people throughout the land who feel as she does-  that people need to be corralled by government; regulated like another commodity or piece of livestock. 

Government statists care even less about doing the right thing.  In the above video, Kagan states rather nonsensically, that it would be "foolish" to strike down meaningless or stupid laws because they are stupid.  

Instead of using a common sense approach to enhance freedom, "laws" are warped and twisted to benefit large corporations close to government officials.  The big loser in this struggle is the people whose health suffers as the government bloats their police state personnel in the losing battle of prohibition.

  Raw Milk

For years, the government has been trying to shut down producers of raw milk.  Not only has producing raw milk been extremely profitable for some farmers, it has improved the health and immune systems of their customers.  This is a double whammy against the tyrants who would like only a few large corporations to control all the business people to eat bad food, be sick all the time, and get stuck with every syringe-filled vaccine available.     


Appararently even when something is legal in many states, prevents the spread of aggressive cancers, and has properties found in human breast milk, it is still worthy to be classified as a Schedule I drug aloing with cocaine and heroin.  Obviously, for the super-cops at the Drug Enforcement Agency, their stupid jobs are more important than putting an end to cancer.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Yankee Shortstop Derek Jeter Licks The Jackboots of the New World Order Thieving Thugs

“I know my place.”

-Derek Jeter on using his stardom to interject into politics

Jeter dives into the third base
stands for a foul out in an
 important game
Quite possibly, the most famous Yankee shortstop ever, Derek Jeter, has flown to Davos Switzerland to attend the economic forum.  Until now, Jeter has been able to evade both the Democratic and Republican political gangs in the United States, at least publicly.  But evading the financial arch-criminals of the world?  Jeter was summoned to Davos for the "economic forum" and dutifully showed up.  The thieving mega-bankers obviously need to inject some recognizable people into their depleting social circle.  Then, even as former peers decline invitations they can still prance around the snowy slopes of Switzerland and show their spoiled girlfriends the handsome baseball star that they own-  lock, stock and barrel.  For the list of asswipes going to the conference because they think they are pretty important and not socializing with criminals, click here.  

Within the Major League Baseball world Jeter plays on the team the rest of the league has nicknamed the "Evil Empire."  As it turns out, in real life, Jeter is actually part of the "Evil Empire," yet another asshole minion, so pleased with himself and his phony "importance" that he will parrot any bullshit talking point fed to him by the corporate oligarchs that wish to kill humanity. 
Jeter signing autographs
It is really amazing how all of a sudden, Jeter feels the need to speak about the phony global warming science.  It is highly unlikely, that during his free time in the clubhouse, he perused the Climategate emails which exposed all the entire global warming theorists as collaborators in a world-wide academic scheme of intellectual coercion.  No, he doesn't really give a shit about that.  He is a  multi-millionaire because he can hit a baseball, field, and throw.  Why would Jeter care if people get taxed for the amount of carbon the inject into the atmosphere?   

Jeters' palatial mansion, Miami
What might he care about?  Well he did put up a gigantic monstrosity of a house in Miami Beach while he still was dating his gold-digging girlfriend.  Now the house is built and the girlfriend is dumped.  More importantly, the taxes on the large structure went up almost 200%.  Hey, aren't taxes for the poor slobs that yell "Roll Call" after the first pitch at Yankee Stadium?  Certainly it couldn't hurt rubbing elbows with some of the string-pullers that might be able to do a favor for a Hall-of-Fame shortstop and his million-dollar smile.  

This week, the clientele gathered in Davos is filthier than the worst red light district in the world.  The sociopaths in Davos this week are continuing to plan on fucking the entire world while maintaining their indispensability. 

"I wish the world would sit down get their people together… we have so many things coming, it's not going to fix, it's just five more years pointing fingers, scapegoating, using misinformation and thinking we're making a better system."

-Jamie Dimon, from Davos 2013 

It truly is a low point in the life of Derek Jeter.  With this one crystal clear move he has sided with the ultimate enemy of humanity.  This Davos trip and crowing about phony global warming should be seen as a clear break away from the real people that support him. The people of New York City, who have to work everyday to support their families, those are the people he is siding against.  The banks show no signs of stopping the financial rape of the entire world and Jeter clearly supports their agenda.  The financial masters only support Jeter because he plays their game and follows their orders. 

Unfortunately for Jeter, his inability to gauge the scope of this transgression, negates any positives he has accomplished in his career or life.  He is a piece of shit- a slave.  He can only be counted on to act as a traitor, a dutiful pet of the New World Order.  Jeter should stick to hitting in the cage and signing autographs to kids who don't know better while he still can. 

Heroes don't side with tyrants.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Poor Stay On The Move

"It is easy to sleep on another man's wounds."

-old Irish proverb

Aside from the 1% killers, whose mimosas are drank on the top of lofty penthouses in large urban landscapes, people have throughout history been chased, rounded up, exiled, evicted, put upon, taxed, genocided, or left to starve in the cold.  The 1% are fully capable of placing blame and/or labeling these atrocities any way they see fit.  Any reason will do, other than the one that forbids them to exercise their power over people in such a matter that harms their life.  The tragic play often reads like a script, time and time again, always ending in primarily the same fashion.  The tyrant may even be defeated, but the over-arching plan of his diabolical comrades will proceed.     

Most of the people in America today are searching for something positive, something to reassure them that America's struggles are an aberration; inadequacies that can be corrected.  Most Americans, however, refuse to see with objective eyes, the magnificent scale of their inability to sort the truth from the lies of the powerful raiders.  Therefore, as the financial assassins crumble the world economy, America will be hit harder by their own inability to adapt, than by any other purposely created "crisis."  Americans are abetting their own enslavement, overseeing their own impoverishment

Most people would be able to find in their own family's history a time or multiple times where their own blood relatives were forced to flee, conscripted to an army, or simply murdered by those more powerful or connected.  There are different plays in the playbook but the game plan never changes.  The object for the financial elite has always been to reign above the slave class and prevent- through broader support and influence, the emergence of freedom.
Comanche indian Village early 19th Century
 "For greed all nature is too little."

- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

The contrast between what is being done versus what is being said by officials, becomes more absurd and asinine every day.  Lately, these contrasts have been happening so quickly, people's heads are spinning faster than watching a professional tennis match at mid-court.  Government officials want to confiscate all firearms from Americans, meanwhile America's armies kill and maim millions by way of warfare.  Government officials throw a huge party at the cost of millions of dollars for the inauguration while people are homeless, malnourished, and one paycheck away from poverty.  Government chief and imperial warlord Obama declared an end to America's decade plus wars while the Department of Defense issued $103 billion in new contracts.

"We don't deserve to be kicked out like dogs."

-Gary Molina, two-year resident of Beechcrest Mobile home park, North Laurel, MD

To be poor in America means to be always on the move.  Staying too long in one spot allows the financial assassins to take aim and attack.  Such is the case with residents of Beechcrest Mobile Home Park in New Laurel, Maryland.  Unbeknownst to the residents, the land was "given to the Howard County Housing Commission by Atapco in exchange for an adjustment to its MIHU(Moderate Unit Housing) requirement for the Howard Square Development on Route 1."  Because of this brilliant move of bureaucratic trickery by the privileged, mobile home residents are being forced to move so the Housing  Commission can erect an apartment complex for the already homeless!  Their plan is to take home away from those who have them in order to help those who have no home.  It actually makes sense in a world where to be poor means to always be subject to eviction or foreclosure.

 "...Let me remind you only of the witch-hunts of the middle ages, the horrors of the French revolution, or the genocide of the American Indians... in such periods there are always only a very few who do not succumb. But when it is all over, everyone, horrified, asks `for heaven's sake, how could I?' "

-Albert Speer, writing from prison, 1953

One could look at the ravages of the latest financial crisis, the fraud of the foreclosure debacle, or the inability of any official to be held to account for the illegal wars of aggression and think this the first time the world has ever seen such brutality.  However, this sort of imperialism has been occurring against all kinds of people for centuries. 

John George Adair-  Landowner and Inhuman Prick

Glenveagh Castle, Ireland
John Adair is a person in American history worthy of note.  Adair was a wealthy landowner in northern Ireland before he began speculating on land in America.  In August of 1857, Adair acquired 28,000 acres in the Glenveagh area.  He built the ostentatious Glenveagh Castle.  Adair decided he wanted to raise sheep and subsequently evicted 50 families comprised of 244 people from their blackhouses scattered about on "his" land.  The tyrant leveled all 28 stone houses.  for the names of those evicted, click here.

typical blackhouse, Ireland

Later, Adair became involved with Charles Goodnight of Texas and invested some of his money into the JA Ranch.  Continuing where he left off in Ireland, Adair supported the blatant genocide of the Comanche Indians and the eradication of the buffalo.