Friday, December 9, 2011

A Tale of Two Governors

"I never intended to break any rules.  There are people who handle the transfer of funds, and I’m not one of those.  I never intended to authorize anyone (to transfer client funds). If I did, it was a misunderstanding."

Corzine to MF Gobal customers: 
Calm down 

-John Corzine in front of the U.S. Agricultural Committee about the bankruptcy of MF Global and the vanishing of over a billion dollars of customer money   

“I never set out to break the law. I never set out to cross the lines. There is a line between routine politics, political horse-trading, campaign fund-raising, official acts and how you ask for political funds. It was always my intention in all the things I discussed back in 2008 to try to see if I could do those things on the right side of the line."

Rod Blagojevich in front of the Republic
Window and Door Company, December, 2008
-Rod Blagojevich, ex-Governor of Illinois at his sentencing hearing reacting to being convicted for using the Illinois Senate seat political horse-trading, trying to secure a deal for cash and a job for his wife; conspiracy to use the office of governor to get paid (psst, but really is was for ending business with Bank of America and being a populist danger to the entire financial system) 

Who do you believe?  The courts decided Wednesday that Blagojevich was guilty.  Illinois' governor received 14 years, without parole, and he didn't steal a dime. Corzine, New Jersey's ex-governor and an ex-Goldman Sachs executive, misappropriated over a billion dollars in customer funds and has not even been arrested by authorities.  In an economic world based on fraud and racketeering, it is less about the crime committed and more about what groups a person is connected. 

Jon Corzine is a real insider.  When the Obama Administration took office they touted Corzine as the brilliant economic mind from which they would seek advice.  The National Pulse could show examples of how much the Administration relied on Corzine's bbrilliance but it would take too long (to watch Vice President Joe Biden gush over Corzine see here or here).  Corzine is the ultimate insider who spent most of the 1990's with Goldman Sachs bankrupting countries and digging a gi-normous hole of debt for the United States.  Corzine attended the Bilderberg Group's 1999 meeting in Portugal.  He is a walking example of "too big to fail."

Blagojevich never had the economic connections like Corzine.  He went to law school and was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives in 1993.  Blagojevich never attended a Bilderberg meeting or was responsible for gazillions in profits artificially created with other economic terrorists with their money-printers and their armed enforcers.  He was a small-time politician hustler trying to get paid a little before the governorship was taken over by a more powerful gang.  It is a lesson in over-stepping bounds-  a gross violation of a set of unwritten rules that will incarcerate Blagojevich for over a decade.  No amount of public admiration or going on reality television could abridge the punishment due Blagojevich by the psychopathic banks.  He had to suffer so that the banks could continue to extort the world and intrioduce a cashless society.  Finally, the banks hope, a cashless society will be instituted and will lay bare the truth about what a fiat money system really is:  A caste system of limited opportunity and influence; a world in which freedom is a dream and true prosperity an apparition told as a folk tale.  

It comes down to shadowy rules about who can extort who for why and for what.  Obviously, Bank of America wanted to send a message loud and clear to other lawmakers with populist tendencies, "Do not f*** with us."

On the other hand, it is unlikely Corzine will be held to any account whether MF Global customers receive their money or not.  Unitl the economic system runs completely out of their control the gangster elite will be able to persecute the enemies while abetting their accomplices in theft. 

Extortion is easy-  a scene from The Sopranos where characters are talking about the reality TV show, Survivor, which offered $1million dollars to the winner if they ended up outlasting (or annoying) everybody on the island to "win" the contest: 



Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blagojevich And Economic Mutiny

Blagojevich's courtroom drawing during
his public execution in the media 2008-present
"You just can't walk into your sentencing and say you've been railroaded. Forget about it. That time's over.  You darn well better walk in with a heavy heart, saying you made mistakes and that you accept the decision of a jury of your peers."

-former Chicago city clerk Jim Laski, who was sentenced to two years in prison for corruption in 2006, talking about how any show of defiance from Rod Blagojevich could mean the tyrannic forces in control of the judicial system will assure a vengeful, lengthy prison sentence 

Three years ago this Saturday this blog was born in reaction to one of the most absurd injustices ever in the history of American government.  A sitting governor of the sovereign state of Illinois was arrested at his home at six in the morning in his underwear for allegedly trying to sell a Senate seat for over $1 million and a job for his wife.  The day before, then-governor Rod Blagojevich had been at the Republic Window and Door Company, where employees had locked themselves inside the building.  Bank of America had cut their line of credit, forcing the company to lay off a bunch of workers without severance or vacation pay that had been promised.  Rod Blagojevich stood in front of the building in a black leather jacket and turtleneck sweater and pledged that since Bank of America received billions in federal bailout money and cut the Illinois' company line of credit, the state of Illinois would suspend all business with the Bank of America.  The next morning, Blagojevich was arrested and subsequently crucified in the press.  Blagojevich became a political "Attila the Hun," and other career politicians removed a sitting governor elected by the people while trampling all over the Constitution of the United States and the State of Illinois.

In the chaotic days after the fall of the market in 2008, authorities controlling the collapse and forcing the bailout bill down the throats of Americans were also wary about any political "cowboys" in their midst.  Failure to follow the scripted story line would mean certain disaster for an economy already on a precarious footing.  Invoking the 10th Amendment or standing up for the people during that massive economic injustice could have spelled quick doom for the shell-shocked banks who were desperately trying to convince the people how much they need the banks to save them from "catastrophe."  

"If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law."
-Henry David Thoreau
So Much For The Powerful "Winning" Side
In December Bank of America stock was $15.00/share.  The bank never lost "business" with the State of Illinois as the order to termninate sat on state treasurer and Obama basketball buddy Alexi Giannoulias' desk un-enacted.  Three years later, millions of people have been thrown out of their homes fraudulently by the large banks; Bank of America leading the unjust way.  They packaged their mortgages into derivatives and traded them with other banks.  When the market crashed and it was time to foreclose, Bank of America, like all the other large banks were unable to prove ownership of the loan.  
"It was the banks who were ultimately bailed out by taxpayers while individual investors and homeowners were left on their own. And whether those institutions believe they are too big to fail, they certainly have demonstrated that they believe they're too big to care about the impact of their actions."
-  Masasachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley, 12-2-11 
Today Bank of America is worth a little over $5.00/share.  The "too-big-to-fail" banks have tried to gather together all the sycophantic Attorneys General of the states in the hope they would be granted immunity.  This almost worked.  That was up until last week.  Last week Massachusetts filed suit against the large banks.

BreakingRod Blagojevich sentenced to 14 years in prison beneath the deck of a sinking economic ship

Acoording to the Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's sneaky recording devices, Blagojevich allegedly tried to sell the hallowed Senate seat of Barack Obama for federal rerserve debt notes. 

And what has happened to the integrity of the Senate since 2008?  It has been superceded by a "Super" Congress that operates in complete secrey like a Soviet-style Politburo.  In 2011, this group is frantically trying to make everyone a target that stands up to their tyrannical, unjustified economic terror.  Therfore the media's idiotic argument about "violated integrity" is delusion and dangerous.  Blagojevich's crime was economic mutiny and nothing else.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ghetto-ized Invasiveness, or How the Police State Learned to Love Austerity

Richard J. Daley, Mayor of Chicago,
"The police are not there to create disorder, they're there to preserve disorder."

-Mayor of Chicago, Richard J. Daley, 1968

In the last month of 2011, the disorder preserved by the armed men guarding the criminal wealthy is at its most blatant, its most decadent, and most destructive.  After the pillaging of the economy by the bankster and political criminals, it is clear that many police refuse to realize what is being done to all the people.  Police, as a whole, cannot, or refuse to see the forest from the trees.  The grunts at the local level cannot see that if maybe they understood the situation better, they would stand down until the criminals giving orders answer for their theft and ruthless control and manipulation. 

Another big box retailer out-of-business leaving a junkyard
in its wake

Peoples' failure to understand the fraud of a fiat money system is perpetuating the criminality of the few against the many.  The banksters print the money so they can print whatever they want.  Here is the way this hustle goes in the beginning:  Tell the people it will be a catastrophe if they don't agree to hand over their money or give the perpetrator what he wants.  Then steal the money.  Afterwards, tell the victims how much they should have enjoyed it.  Interestingly enough,  this sort of grooming is similar to the technique used by accused rapist Jerry Sandusky.  Like the banksters, the accused homosexual pederast Sandusky, has never accused any of the accusers of lying about their accusations, only professed how he thinks they should have reacted to his "loving" touch on national television.   

The National Pulse guesses it must hard for Americans to know how to feel about anything if a person is ignorant of monetary policy and therefore cannot see the purposeful, deliberately constructed inequity.  Would they have any intuition that Jon Corzine would remain at large in defiance of Congress after losing over $1 billion of customer funds?  Are people suprised that one-world goverment proponent Bill Clinton was collecting $50,000 per month from Jon Corzine's fund?  Corzine hasn't even interviewed with the local sheriff let alone setting a date to appear before Congress.  Are people suprised to see that commercial real estate has not fallen as it should have in the aftermath of an economic crash?  What do they think the Italians should do as private companies are requistioning their water supplies?  Will they be suprised when "American" assets are auctioned off to foreign bidders committed to the same global vision as the criminal traitors?   

Upholding the myths of "economy" has been challenging, but not impossible.  People have just started to see the terrible injustice of the foreclosure fraud and the robo-signing that helped throw people out into the street.  Still, acres and acres of abandoned industrial land sit decaying across America.  With prices and risk too artificially high for good money to come in and buy out the bad, these piles of steel and concrete junkyards will remain until the economic criminals are stopped.  And the situation is the same all over the world.  

"A functioning police state needs no police."

-William S. Burroughs

No wonder former Scotland Yard police chief Lord Stevens warned that police could face "years of disorder."  "My gut feeling is it's going to be a very difficult 18 months to three years," he said. "One of the main issues will be public order, or rather public disorder, and we will be looking at that in some detail."  Apparently, like the American police who train regularly with Israel's militarized forces, their choice will be to solve the problem as they always have-  by following order, no matter how tyrannical, ridiculous, or sadistic.

"As part of their initial training at the FBI Academy, all new special agents must visit the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to see firsthand what can happen when law enforcement fails to protect individuals."

-from the F.B.I. Facts and Figures Internet page about working for the F.B.I. 
It is unclear why the police are abetting in the slow degeneration into civil war.  Why are they allowing themselves to be played for fools?  Can't they see that the situation is never so bad that the manipulators can't ever make a real revolution go away

Surely, any policeman, as well as any American, doesn't want their neighborhood sold off to the highest foreign bidder because of imposed austerity.  They have to live in the neighborhood with their families, too.