Friday, September 23, 2011

Empires and Coercion Through Fear

“This is how the international community should work in the 21st century — more nations bearing the responsibility and costs of meeting global challenges, indeed, it is the very purpose of this United Nations. So every nation represented here today can take pride in the innocent lives we saved and in helping Libyans reclaim their country. It was the right thing to do.”

History, when it is written is usually trumpeted by the victors.  This is probably why today, the accepted historians remember Rome's "greatness" when much of the actual story is one of pain, oppression, corruption, and decadence.  "Greatness" is equated with longevity, which is only made possible by tyrannical measures meant to fear and intimidate dissenters of the state into complicity.  Longevity is not achieved without an ample amount of cruelty; unflinching terror by which to control the masses as the circle of corruption is born, dies, and is reborn again. 

Kirk Douglas in the film Spartacus
During the time of Spartacus' revolt (historians peg this time around 74 B.C.), as he was marching toward the Alps with 120,000 escaped slaves, faith in government had reached a new low.  Fear of social upheaval swept through Italy, for no master wished to be murdered by his slaves.  The Roman general/politician Crassus eventually set out to defeat the rebellious ex-gladiators.  Aided by Pompey's legions returning from Spain, Spartacus' army was finally defeated.  The 6,000 slaves who were captured alive were crucified on the Via Appia between Capua and Rome, a rotten reminder to those who try to defy Roman will.
Roman rebels hang from crosses along the Via Appia

“Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century:
Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others;
Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected;
Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it;
Refusing to set aside trivial preferences;
Neglecting development and refinement of the mind;
Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.”

-  Marcus Tullius Cicero (Historian, 106 B. C.- 43 B.C.) 

The maintenance of empire is no different today. 

The U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, were conducted in similar fashion.  The objective was not to defend one's own country from invasion or retribution for a past wrong.  All those reasons were lies.

22 year-old taxi driver Dilawar
These wars were a social experiment in world fascism.  And the techniques used were barbarous.  Most people think crucifixions were a sadistic form of death used only during ancient times.  The U.S. government, however, anxious to consolidate the whole world into a single economic regime, tortured and killed to teach them (Arabs) "to always fear doing anything but what the U.S wants."

Such is the story of Dilawar, the 22-year-old taxi driver who was picked up in Afghanistan and tortured to death.  Dilawar died after being tortured for 4 days, hanging by his arms in chains as his feet barely touched the floor.  He had been kneed in the thigh so many times, had he lived, his legs would have had to be amputated. 

No senior official has had to answer for the opaque rules of engagement and none will, if the status quo stands.  There was a recent story that Obama wanted to prosecute the crimes of torture, but if he had, there would have been a revolt in the secret spy world.  This is probably misinformation since everything Obama does is to further the one-world agenda.  Why would he and his money-printing masters then be building a $100 million prison in Afghanistan while people in America are homeless and starving?  For the tyrants and their fat, lazy, ignorant, fearful, bootlicking slaves, there is still "work" to be done on the homefront.  Because economic conditions are so poor, there are more people in America today fed up, changing their lifestyle, and not "doing anything but what the U.S. wants."  These malcontents have become the focus of the next stage in the terror war, Americans who who hope for freedom in a land taken over by economic terrorists. 

“They have plundered the world, stripping naked the land in their hunger… they are driven by greed, if their enemy be rich; by ambition, if poor… They ravage, they slaughter, they seize by false pretenses, and all of this they hail as the construction of empire. And when in their wake nothing remains but a desert, they call that peace.”

-Tacitus, from the Agricola/ the Germanica

Many Americans, consumed with their everyday lives; raising children, working multiple jobs just to eke by, are largely unaware of the danger they are about to be facing.  The danger will not only come from the economic terrorists stealing their hard-earned retirement nest-eggs.  The danger will come also from the law enforcement community that has been being militarized since 2001. 

Proof of the preparation continues today in the Denver area as they will undergo a massive terror drill, "Operation Mountain Guardian," involving over 100 government agencies.  But don't be alarmed, terrorists still want to attack a Rocky Mountain metropolis even as the country's economy slides down a steep slip-and-slide of excrement.

Yesterday, the leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as "dignitaries" walked out because they cannot argue with the truth, explained the terror let loose on the world by the British Empire in collusion with the U.S. military/police state.    

Thursday, September 22, 2011

War is Easy

"Peace is hard work."

- Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama, On the floor of the United Nations, Sept. 21, 2011

In the government's perfectly insane, Orwellian universe, if peace is hard work, war is easy work.  And The National Pulse, for one, couldn't agree more with Obama.  War is easy.  War is especially easy when the world is forced to use dollars printed out of thin air.  There is plenty of paper.  War is especially easy with naive, ignorant, greedy, cowardly, and sadistic drones with which to fight total war for domination.  They can be told any excuse, accept any illogical reasoning for murderous violence on other people, if they know they will be patted on the head and given a living.  War is easily extended into perpetuity with mass brainwashing and institutional bigotry.  This allows for continued aggression even when old soldiers are discarded like trash, persecuted for following orders, or fed poisoned seafood. 
Sacrifice is a cornerstone of the U.S. brand of patriotism.

Picture from the Bonus Army attack in 1932
Often this page writes implorations, cantations, and shrieking pleas for people to wake up and see what is being done to them.  Very often, people recognize the violent wrongs being done to other foreign lands but dismiss similar crimes could happen to them.  They are sadly mistaken.  The script has flipped, and the bullseye is being trained on malcontents, which at this juncture in tyranny, pretty much includes a striking majority of human beings in the world disillusioned with everything government stands for.

People who are not upset, saddened or embarassed by the current state of affairs, will serve the tyranny that survives.  It really is that simple.  The New World Order's relentless pursuit of complaince will net some, hopefully not many, sorry, soulless beings whose existence will be a constant struggle to please overseers enforcing a specificly engineered framework of obedience.  Certainly, there will be some boom times, like the Seycelles is enjoying right now.  The tropical paradise in the Indian Ocean just became home to a drone-making base.  Drones are machines deployed by the money-printers to brutalize and intimidate. Eventually, the drones built will hurt the natives that profited in blood money during drone construction.  The world masters have proven over and over that they will readily discard their slaves after have used them to subjugate people to their control. 

With many asserting that the final economic crash is imminent, the only way to save yourself from the aggressive statists who demand payment for their "services," will be to have the knowledge to achieve self-sufficiency. Because this will be made extremely difficult by loyalists and their slaves, the solid background knowledge will be key to avoid exploitation. 

This is all because war is easy.  Peace should be too, but some people want to exdploit others and they won't stop until they are firmly denied.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

-  Hermann Goering, at the Nuremberg Trials  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Bailout and The Money Faucet

"A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers."

-Plato (Philosopher, 427 BC-347 BC)

It is always important for people to remember what happened to the financial system.  Otherwise, it would be easy to accept the corporate media biased reasons-  bad luck, unfortunate loans, disasters, or greedy speculators caused the economy to slump.  It would be easy, albeit extremely naive, to confuse the elite's interest in repairing the damage with goodwill instead of heartless theft.  This would be wrong to do because from the start, the economic collapse has been engineered by expert white-collar terrorists.  Their relentless pursuit to enslave humanity with eugenic pogroms of destruction is losing; being defeated everyday.  However, without the proper understanding of their fore-knowledge, it is difficult for people to understand the true nature of the zero-sum game. 

Before the "credit crisis" of 2008, economic terrorists from the International Monetary Fund, those with no true allegiance to any nation of the world (save maybe Israel), performed a full audit of the United States financial system.  Though this kind of exercise is normally reserved for banana republics busted out by the Anglo-banking behemoths, the I.M.F. audited the U.S. economic system before the credit crisis. 

Treasury Secretary threatened Congress to pass the bailout bill and instead of using the funds to buy the instruments of insurance and debt created by bullshit accounting, the funds went to the banks and other corporate financial companies directly (see Henry Paulson press conference).  Looking back, the idea that the banks would continue lending is comical; the sort of disingenuous, sad promise a babysitter makes to a little kid just before bedtime.
"A power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will."

- Alexander Hamilton (Banker, 1755-1804)    

 Today, the people who are subjected to United States corporate rule are much worse off, still waiting for banks to find it in their hearts to offer loans and revitalize the economy. The crisis was merely an excuse, an excuse to not let people prosper while funding a new world order of control.  The illusion of crisis allowed the paper money printers to only allocate funds toward the cause of increasing their power over people.  That is why the bailout bill gave the privately-owned Internal Revenue Service the power to conduct undercover investigations.  Feds were able to, with the passing of the bailout bill, to look into private checking accounts

The TARP theft also gave corporate franchises zombie-like power so no healthy transfer of power could occur.  Domino's Pizza and the cruel American chicken industry received bailouts.  General Motors used their bailout to run away from the U.S. and invest in another country. The list truly does go on and on; as more and more scandals are uncovered (see Solyndra Scandal).

Alan Greenspan truly understands that no amount of whistle-blowing, finger-pointing, or hard-hitting expose' will change behavior.  That is why he understands that the Fed will be able to keep the game going as long as they want. 

     The question is-  how much suffering can people take?  How long will they be able to rationalize the differences between themselves and other races bombed into submission by NATO?  When will people realize that their suffering is only paying for drone bases in Africa and multi-million dollar embassies in foreign lands

Hopefully, they will come to their senses soon. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

On Financial Reform, White Knights, and Ron Paul

Lately, there has been much talk about which direction the world financial system will turn.  Certainly, for the weak-willed or naive-hearted, it is comforting to believe there is a white knight or group of powerful elite peers, who have found out the diabolical nature of the evil eugenic plan for humanity and have determined they must stop the madness and restore economic freedom.  Because it is painful to believe there are some people willing to sacrifice 90% of humanity just to see themselves and their progeny at the top of the financial sphere, it is quite natural to seek any bit of good news as a defeat for the evil imperialists pushing the action.  For generations weaned on television and feel-good Saturday matinees, the story couldn't possibly end without evil being defeated and punished.

Since most people see the need to be governed by authority higher then themselves, many are on the look-out for a savior.  Blind to the true nature of their own economic shackles, these people actually root for Bernanke as if 'ol Ben is really trying to implement policies that would help everybody achieve prosperity.  Anarchy terrifies them, even though government tyranny is has done untold damage to the world.

Errol Flynn in Robin Hood

Like the story of Robin Hood, the archer who lived with his merry band of men in the forest, the story of the world economic collapse will not be complete until the equivalent of Richard the Lion-Hearted comes back from the Crusades and rules much better, more justly, and kinder than the tyrant before him.  This is a fallacy, however, meant to confuse, provide false hope, and distract people from what they should be doing to remove all false authority from guiding people to their own demise through eugenic pogroms.       

Benjamin Fulford, the self-proclaimed spokesman of the White Dragon Society, claims that 57 countries met in Monaco (The Meeting of the 57, the Monaco Colloquium), and decided the fate of the economic world.  They excluded some leaders; the bad seeds.  Fulford's point is for people to relax because the "good elites" have taken the helm and will rule everyone the proper way.  As the doorman of the Monaco Colloquium allegedly told Sen. Jay Rockefeller at the entrance, "The Old World Order is out and a New World Order is about to begin."  Fulford must think everybody needs a patriarch, a Big Brother, dictating their affairs and telling them what the price of rare metals should be. 

We don't need any more leaders. 

This includes Ron Paul, the kind-hearted Representative from Texas, who has held the same message about sound money and American isolationism for over 30 years in office.  The tyrants must give everyone in the audience a flavor, someone to keep everyone's faith in a terribly broken, illegitimate, fixed system.  Ron Paul is an acquired taste for the slightly more intelligent viewer wondering how America got hijacked by corporate statists and the military industrial complex.  Unfortunately, though Paul is the champion of straw polls,  he will never be allowed to win a general Presidential election, which are all fixed.  The illusion, that Paul is bucking the system, is only to allow the elite to control the message, identify enemies, and retaliate with tyrannical measures.  Therefore, they let an elderly man talk about sound money and bringing the troops home.  Ultimately, they want to let Ron Paul and his ideas in the discussion so they can arrange heartbreaking defeat. 

All a person can do is read more history, harden his heart, and move away from the feudal oligarchs that wish to control all aspects of life.  If the answer were as easy as electing the right ruler, the elites wouldn't have had to murder as many dissenters as they have.  The revolution, when it happens, will be leaderless.