Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fundamentally Speaking....

"Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death."

-Ayn Rand (Author, 1905-1982)

As people are bombarded with the intricate details of the "Great Bin Laden Myth" and then debate whether the bearded cave dweller
wanted to attack rural, small town America, fundamental questions concerning the role of government are consistently popping up. Whereas, in this day and age, most people will tell you government is an absolute necessity, few can intelligently express where the line should be drawn. As government continues to severely betray the public trust with illegal wars, fraud, and debt slavery; many people are realizing government should not have any say when it comes to what people want to eat, how they medicate themselves, and what they trade between each other in the attempt to enjoy prosperity.

Life in the United States is becoming difficult to discern why we even have rules and governments; are the rules in place to help people or corporations? Recently,
the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that federal law trumps state law in allowing companies to use arbitration clause to prohibit consumers from joining class action against the companies. In this specific case, a cellular phone company had advertised a "free" phone with membership but charged the couple sales tax on the full retail price of the phone. The couple charged for deceptive practices on the $30.22 At & T was able to scam from them using deceptive corporate trickery.

"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach himself."

- Thomas Paine (Author, 1737-1809)

Thirty dollars isn't much paper money to sue for, as the Federal Reserve continues to print gobs and gobs of cash on the road to hyperinflation. This is, however, a dangerous precedent to set when we consider the Supreme Court's view of their power and the power of government. Does government have the right to tell the people what it must or mustn't eat?
Watch this clip of newly appointed Supreme Court troll Elena Kagan decline to answer whether government has a right to tell the people what they can eat (her befuddlement starts at the 0:54 mark).

Even scarier is to examine a corporation like Monsanto's relationship with the federal government's "watchdog" agency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Policy makers like Michael Taylor, who used to be Monsanto's lawyer, jump back and forth from the FDA to Monsanto easing approval for genetically modified organisms, all of which pose a significant health risk to all living things.
Taylor was crucial in getting hormones approved to be injected into cows which can make them produce 10% to 15% more milk.

Schoolchildren act inside the government's petri-dish for control- the public school system. In Chicago's Little Village Academy,
school administrators banned lunches brought from home. Other places like San Antonio, Texas, have spent $2 million to photograph students' lunch trays and later take a snapshot of the leftovers.

Where will it end? It never will if you trust the government as a dog to its master and eat whatever they say is good for you. They abuse the people they have brainwashed the most, like their own
Army which they feed oil-contaminated Gulf shrimp.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Attempted Coup of the North American Union and the RFID Chip

"People simply disappeared, always during the night. Your name was removed from the registers, every record of every thing you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished; annihilated: vaporized was the usual word."

-George Orwell (1984, Book 1, Chapter 1)

This past May 1st, a coup on reality was initiated by the controllers of monetary policy who hope to consolidate their power through crisis and tyrannical solution. Bin Laden, a longtime CIA asset, provided the "fear firepower" for the Administration and their lackeys in the media to resurrect a whole bunch of failed, debunked ploys through which the few hope to control the many. Many of these ruses have already been discovered to be treacherous a long time ago, yet the media used the colossal fear of random death by terrorist bombs, racism, and blind patriotism to enact an all out assault on the truth. Sunday night, right about when Obama made his announcement that they had killed an unarmed bin Laden in his shabby house in the middle of the night, gold, silver, and other commodities were dropped drastically in price. Margin requirements were raised in order to up the risk for speculators who are now forced (those who are left) to bet against more severely rigged game.

Despite the ridiculous lies regarding the assassination of "bin Laden," the "mansion" where Special Forces found the alleged leader, and the false assertion that the old man used his wife as a human shield, Obama, concluded the corporate media, is a strong leader. Much like in a completely lawless town in the American Old West, strong leaders were sometimes cold-blooded warlords who used their political prowess and private army to sway the public to their side. Violence seems to be the only way to persuade the people because the Administration's policies in support of the Federal Reserve banking system is not working. This week, ex-Presidential candidate Bill Richardson remarked that bin Laden's death may win the support needed to pass global warming legislation. Never mind that global warming was completely debunked and proven to be a gigantic white collar criminal enterprise designed to extract more wealth from the people- never mind that. Obama only got laughed at during the Sate of the Union last year when he tried to maintain that the legislature would try to enact laws based on a phony science after what became known as "Climategate."

The Administration continues to be way out over their skis as they try to revive an oldie but baddie- the North American Union. This is how The National Pulse knows the dollar crash is imminent. The North American Union has always been a plan by the elite and its revival would wipe out the existing borders between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico and unite the three under a single currency. This would be in reaction to a dollar crash but would probably not be represented through a sound currency like gold or silver. Again, the people would be asked to be at the whim of a fiat currency which the bankers and politicians can decide to print when they want more. So when Obama says something like he said recently in El Paso, Texas, "One way to strengthen the middle class is to reform the immigration system so that there is no longer a massive underground economy that exploits a cheap labor source while depressing wages for everybody else." Obama fails to point out that the failed War on Drugs is one reason for one "massive underground economy." Nor does he elaborate on the biggest theft of wealth- the inflation tax. When farmers and other businessmen cannot plan ahead safely for the future and not be put at risk by a predatory central bank constantly manipulating interest rates, they are forced to cut corners, especially when labor is available. Though he is good at assaulting unarmed old men in their bedrooms, Obama is terrible at confronting the real source of the world's problem- The international bankers.

"The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency."

- Vladimir Lenin (Leader, 1870-1924)

Fiat currencies are over. The elite's next ploy will be the technological "membership." The credit system assisted by technology is the elite's wish to act as the new economy. In order to implement these measures, to get people to accept some forms of currency, the moneyed powers will cause their own destruction (see southern tornadoes and floods). Then they will install their fix such as a "special chip" in cell phones for "Presidential, local emergency messages, and Amber alerts." GPS trackers, like this one in Australia, have been introduced to the public as innocent, convenient tools, but are actually the fodder for think tanks trying to manipulate a centrally planned economy.

"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves."

- Norm Franz (Money and Wealth in the New Millennium, 2001)

Other technology like retinal scan technology is set to be marketed to the public in the next few months. Where did this technology first get to be used? In Afghanistan, civilians were scanned; forced to submit to biometric identification in front of a barrel of a gun. In the illusion of the free world, the U.S., iris scans will be promoted as a tools that cannot be hacked. This is an absolute falsehood, computer geeks will tell you, because all a hacker needs is time to eventually crack the code. Look at the guys who hacked into Boston's transit system- they just wanted to see if they could do it. Are you willing to trade your human essence for a complete lie?

The endgame for the diabolical few is a New World Order under one currency which can be manipulated to suit the interest of the rulers. Everyone must resist these advances, especially when it comes to the lifeblood of trade- the currency. Gold and silver are good media to trade and so is plain old bartering. Eventually, mankind should be able to decide for itself how it wishes to prosper without a secretive cabal manipulating everything from the weather to interest rates.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Awakening is Imminent

"I am deeply troubled that a very vague, emotionally-stated, semi-theologically defined diagnosis of the central global menace is obscuring our national ability to comprehend the historically unprecedented challenge, which is being posed in our time by a massive, global awakening and thus is obstructing our ability to deal effectively with the global political turmoil that this awakening is generating."

-Zbigniew Brzezinski (National Security Agency, 1928- )

The global puppet masters know what is at stake. They know they are in grave danger of losing everything they have worked for over the many generations they have excercised their control over the world. The controllers know their domination of the debate is fading and they are upset. Their vindictive reactions and nihilistic attacks will cease only when, more and more of the controlled sheeple wake from their slumber unimpressed by the authority from which the globalist lies sprout and convinced that love is humanity's nature. The myth that has kept the current paradigm alive, be it international boogieman Usama bin Laden or other fear tactics to spur the war machine, are cracking more and more each day. To borrow a description from the eugenic environmental corporatists intent on saving plant life instead of human life- This world view is unsustainable.

The flag-wavers; the tearful national anthem attention-standers, with their hand stuck in perma-salute, the so-called true blue, patriotic Americans will explain that bin Laden's apparent brazen murder is what happens to a man who kills 3,000 innocent people with acts of terrorism. However, more and more people are waking up to see that the narrative of Obama's hit squad storming into bin Laden's "mansion" in the middle of the night is less about an Arab terrorist and more about the never-ending assault on the wealth, freedoms, and right to prosperity of Americans.

Not only was the story of bin Laden's death a chance to make Obama stronger (apparently someone who plays 18 holes of golf and then poses for a photo pretending to be watching a live assault by Special Forces is the true definition of toughness), but to change the debate, instill fresh fear, and reinvigorate the dollar system by attacking its enemies- gold and silver.

Morally and Politically Bankrupt

George Orwell's nightmare scenario 1984 is now more reality than fiction. The government spreads stories that almost immediately debunked by the truth. The stories created by the government provide the government with the impetus to crack down harder on civil liberties, become more intrusive into peoples' lives, and smash individual freedom wherever it is able to exist and flourish.

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

- Mohandas Gandhi (Leader, 1869-1948)

Regardless of all the forms of manipulation the forces of evil vow to use to punish the people with for not acquiescing to their power, there will always be people, not sheeple, to challenge, disobey and fight them on principle. Because the rulers cannot live without patronage, this is as useful, even more so, than violent opposition. Reactions like that of the Real IRA, who plan to bomb the Queen of England when she arrives in Ireland later this month are misleading. Thought this type of action may satisfy some visceral revenge, violence only begets more violence. A boycott would be much, much more effective. Ireland would find the Queen to be the least of their worries. Besides this type of actions plays right intop the hands of entities that invade third world nations under false pretense or enter an old, unarmed man's house in the middle of the night and assault him and his wives.