Thursday, May 5, 2011

Riding To Sound of The Guns

"War prosperity is like the prosperity that an earthquake or plague brings."

Ludwig von Mises (Economist, 1881-1973)

Staring Sunday May 1, with the distracting announcement of international boogieman,
Usama bin Laden's death, all the world's controllers, have set out to reinvigorate the fear needed to keep everyone under their control. Control is crucial to everything the New World Order destroyers hope to do- especially control of the monetary system. The announcement of bin Laden's death conjured up the bloodlust of the ignorant masses, while the elite have tried to orchestrate nothing less than a coup on reality. Their confidence in their ability to manipulate has passed the point of absurdity and will soon be overrun. Regardless of what the mainstream media says about bin Laden's alleged death in Pakistan, easily the most important story has been about the manipulation of silver and other precious metals as central economic planners flirt with the deflationary spiral that leads to the abyss of chaos.

"Gold and silver are money. Everything else is credit."

-J.P. Morgan (Banker, 1837-1913)

Mexico, during February and March, purchased 100 tons of gold worth $4.5 billion. The Mexican government received the large amount of bullion for a steep price of about $1577.00 per ounce. This price is far greater than when India bought 200 tonnes from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at $1045 per ounce. Here is Ron Paul from 2009 talking about this important transaction which placed a floor under the price of gold at $1045.

Logical people would conclude that if an large country like Mexico's central bank pays $1577 per ounce for gold, considering all the inflationary actions taken by other central banks around the world, that transaction would re-establish a new price floor at $1577. But the economic world is not logical. The precious metals markets have been tightly controlled since the bankers' coup in 1913 eased the U.S. and the rest of the world from the gold standard and into a military state to facilitate world domination.

On Monday, right after the bin Laden announcement Sunday night, the old grandfather of endless paper money credit, Warren Buffet explained why he does not like gold as an investment. "You can fondle it, you can polish it, you can stare at it, but it isn't going to do anything," said Buffett of gold. Gold, for Buffet, has the same worth as his personal interviewer and muse, CNBC's Becky Quick. Neither the so-called Oracle of Omaha, Buffet, or CNBC monetary whore, Quick, understand that gold is a currency, the only money, and its use is for that very purpose because of its rarity. For rich old farts like Buffett who have cozied up to the Federal Reserve's printing press, the rise in precious metal prices is a signal that their fraudulent game is up. People like him cannot get behind gold, only assault it when it threatens their monopoly on control.

This week Carlos Slim's Minera Frisco reported a larger short position in the silver market. When the alleged "richest man in the world" decides to sell silver electronic transfers, the moneyed elite are more than happy to use it as an excuse to drive the arbitrarily concocted price of the metal down to confuse people from the stench of the decaying dollar. However, Slim's sales are in the ideasphere, the made-up (a more appropriate term would be fraudulent or immoral) world of finance that gave us credit default swaps and the derivative. In the real world where all of us live and eat, the physical silver bullion is flying off the shelves of gold and silver stores and, most importantly, the Comex Warehouse (Click here for a must-see chart of the Comex Warehouse Deliverable Silver Inventory. Thanks to Jesse's Cafe Americain for quite probably the most important chart in today's economic landscape). As anyone can deduce from the chart, deman for physical silver bullion is stronger than ever. Therefore, the assault on the price of silver is completely contrived, a ruse by the economic elite that is terribly frightened of the writing on the wall.

The moneyed elite have no choice but to "ride to sound of the guns." Like Custer at his famous Last Stand of 1876, all their electronic transfer fund (ETF) profit-taking will be over and they will be left in the dust, consumed by far too many aggressive natives looking for physical silver bullion. Though the price is being artificially driven down, the intelligent understand Bernanke, Geithner, and Obama are all lying. Silver is the best chance to preserve the wealth that is systematically being destroyed by interests of parasites hoping for the christening of a new system by which rulers can lord over the ruled. There is no saving the dollar regardless of how many alleged terrorists the CIA decides to assassinate.

Article dedicated to Buddy, a.k.a Little B; killed 5-5-10 by coyotes

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

No One Wants To Play Any More

"The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out."

-Chinese proverb

Indeed, the pressure inflicted on the world by the corporate war machine is increasing exponentially. The economic model of global exploitation through "free trade," or "globalization," has run its course; the looting almost complete, and the perpetrators have to transition to another stricter form of control without the help of some of the illusions that have worked in the past. The dollar is busting; its demise is more apparent every day, whether it be directly in the financial markets or reflected in political or military decision-making. The factions in control of the doomed world reserve currency are panicked and developing destructive narratives as plan-of-actions should their hand be forced by the sane people forced to live in the chaotic world created by paper money and war.

"When monarchs through their bloodthirsty commanders lay waste a country, they dignify their atrocity by calling it 'making peace.'"

- Publius Cornelius Tacitus (Roman Senator, AD 56- AD 117)

Time is wasting before the myth of the dollar's worth vanishes completely. This week the U.S. Treasury said it would auction off $72 billion of new debt taking the federal government's debt right to the limit. This auction follows a week in week saw the new Report on Foreign Portfolio Holdings of U.S. Securities. China has reduced her exposure to U.S. debt by $249 billion. It is unlikely countries like China that have financed U.S. debt will be likely to do so in the future as the U.S. credit ratings continue to be embarrassed by terrible reports and outlooks such as this recent one by Weiss Ratings that placed the U.S. lower than Mexico.

Though Bernanke pledged during the first-ever Federal Reserve Chairman press conference that there were no plans for Quantitative Easing part 3, the Fed will be forced to print more and more because no foreign entities want to front the debt anymore. The manipulation game of the metals markets have been exposed and buyers are taking the physical bullion as a preservation of wealth. It has yet to be discussed what new regulations will be attached to an extension of the debt but Treasury Secretary Timmy Geithner has assured Congress will raise it at the Fed's whim or else suffer the consequences. It would be the same as Don Corleone making Congress an offer they can't refuse.

Most likely, this scenario will turn out badly for the Federal Reserve as they are between a rock and a hard place. Therefore, the only out they have is more war. On May 1st, the war machine with their corporate media lackeys tested the waters of patriotism and ignorance and found that pool is still warm. Whether it be Iran or Pakistan or Libya, the one-world government supporters are keeping their options of destruction open in the event the people are unable to be tricked into the chains of slavery.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bloodlust and American Ignorance

"All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions."

-Leonardo da Vinci (Artist, 1452-1519)
(pictured above: The White House Staff watches as the assault in Pakistan is carried out) The assault on Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan was not the only assault by the evil cabal hoping to plunge humanity into slavery. Though a group of Navy SEALs did the heavy lifting in Pakistan, the corporate media and the metals traders of J.P. Morgan also had a part in giving the new world order beast a fresh breath. The tyrannical world military force, the CIA, attacked a building in Pakistan covertly, without notifying the Pakistani military. Or maybe they didn't. It doesn't matter anyway, since Bin Laden categorically denied the attacks of September 11th. He had already recognized, having been an asset of the CIA since the Mujahadin's war against the Soviet Union in the 1980's, that the government of the United States had been hijacked by elitists hell bent on a new world order and the subjugation of humanity through a tyrannical monetary system and enforced by a militarized police state.

This announcement by Obama was just another all-out media assault on the minds of Americans. The "Dead Bin Laden" announcement was intended to revive all the misinformation surrounding the attacks (that Osama was the mastermind, there were no explosives inside the Towers, etc.). Without a doubt, the paradigm built upon the Federal Reserve debt note is crumbling. The desperation of the monetary controllers and their political lapdogs is more blatant each day. As more and more people are waking to the destructive nature of the priorities of the global tyrants, the less successful their agenda has been, and the more their violence is turning people off.

"Whoever is winning at the moment will always seem to be invincible."

- George Orwell (Author, 1903-1950)

The assassination of Bin Laden revived all the blood lust, racism, and patriotism back into the ignorant masses the elite play with so often. The people that celebrated the death of bin Laden are the same stiffs that fight their wars, buy their poison food, and pull down their pants at the airport. No subjugation of their freedom is too much in service of what they perceive as their country, their team, their brethren. It is too bad they are so stupid and brainwashed because it forces all who are wise enough to know the monetary system stands in the path of true freedom.

The White House's coy announcement, which pre-empted the ending of Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice, also purposely interrupted Sunday Night Baseball in Philadelphia where fans broke into chants of U.S.A!, U.S.A! The National Pulse finds it both striking and scary the enjoyment and excitement people felt over a man's death (see here, here, here, and here).

Watch these idiots scream and yell outside the White House.

Are the wars over? Heck no. Can we relax and enjoy prosperity? Heck no to that, too. In fact, even after bin Laden's death, authorities have called for increased restrictions at sports events.

The White House and their sycophantic press, whom they hosted at the White House Correspondents' Dinner last Saturday (click here for photos), were still collectively drunk with their own importance. What better time to try to bring everyone's psyche back to the destructive agenda, than a story to breathe fresh life into all the giant myths which hold it all together?

In the Asian stock market, the price of silver was severely manipulated before the announcement and dropped almost 10% on news of a man dying.

(the drop is in blue shortly after the Asian markets opened Sunday, May 1)

"If you tell as lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can only be maintained for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

-Joseph Goebbels (Propagandist, 1897-1945)