Friday, December 4, 2009

Climategate and the Unraveling of the New World Order

Skull and Bones member John Kerry introduced the climate bill in the Senate yesterday. The introduction comes soon after e-mails were leaked from leading climate scientists from the East Anglia University. Climategate, as the scandal is now known, completely dispels the myth of global warming. The e-mails caught scientists red-handed distorting data, punishing other scientists dissenting data, and inventing facts for political gain. With one weekend left before the big new world order climate summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, the entire theory has been proven to be a fraud- a complex but simple scam by globalist fascists trying to wring money from the entire world.

The mainstream press and the other elite politicians can hope the story goes away but the cat is out of the bag. The story is not going away. They were trying to tax everybody for a myth! Over 30,000 scientists were persecuted and kept from publishing in journals to "hide the decline' as it related to Earth temperatures.

Nevertheless, the script has been written and the most dull man alive has introduced the Senate's form of the climate bill in the hopes that maybe nobody will find out the truth. John Kerry has been a grandstanding charlatan ever since the Vietnam War. After Yale, Kerry went to the Navy and later testified before Congress as to some of the brutalities he observed perpetrated by American soldiers. Since that time, Kerry has become a Senator, married a billionaire ketchup heiress, and been chosen to promote climate change legislation. And now, even after the entire global warming theory has been debunked for the fraud that it is, he and Barbara Boxer are proceeding with a climate bill, as if people are going to fall for their lies.

Though all the e-mails have been confirmed, Senator Barbara Boxer and the Administration Science Czar John Holdren are still clinging to the myth in the hopes they can pass a carbon tax and have a one world government. Boxer refuses to admit that it wasn't even "hackers that uncovered the conspiring e-mails. Insiders, whistle blowers, who believed the charade had gone on long enough, released the e-mails so the WORLD wouldn't be tricked into poverty. "This is a crime. You call it 'Climate-gate.' I call it 'e-mail-theft-gate. Part of our looking at this will be looking at criminal activity, which could have been well coordinated," said Boxer.

Nice try. The only criminal activity was the scientists cooking the books to institute a one world government, Boxer, you fascist.

Faced with the overwhelming evidence that their attempt to prove global warming is a fraud, the Administration is shifting gears to promote "green jobs." However, without the global carbon tax in place, the elite are reluctant to release all the new technologies that have been suppressed. It was their hope that they could have the tax in place so that they could reap the benefits for something that will make life easier for humanity. From the Washington Post: Energy-conserving home improvements would ultimately pay for themselves, and a movement towards energy-efficient housing could create jobs in the country right away, Obama asserted. "The challenge here is giving consumers the right incentives," he said.
The people don't want incentives. They want to get the government out of the way so that the world can enjoy the new technologies. Nice try in trying to enslave everybody but it didn't work. Admit it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Unions Have Been Compromised

Once the stalwart protector of the "little guy," the union, has now been fully compromised by the moneyed powers of the New World Order. As the depression and unemployment is finally beginning to exact its "real life' toll on Americans, their union leaders are being assaulted by higher-up powers to comply with globalist demands. The economic measures encouraged by the White House and other economic officials are merely staving off the inevitable problem of a failing currency that no amount of re-employment will fix.

It was a blessing the International Olympic Committee did not give the Olympics to Chicago. Union workers and their families balked at the decision initially. However, getting the Olympics would have only created another financial bubble to be exploited by the international bankers. The city's residents would have been at the mercy of these bodies and subjected to all sorts of curtailment of their civil liberties in the name of security. It would have accelerated the entire country's march toward martial law and all in the name of protecting a totally unproductive, extravagant festival. The failure of Obama, the Chairman of the United Nations Security Council, to corral the Olympics for Chicago explicitly proved the disdain people have for the war-mongering United States. The rest of the world is finally realizing the damage done by the Federal Reserve and others to the rest of the world with their weapon- control of the world fiat currencies.

Obama , his crew of czars, and Trilateral Commission members who are now Cabinet members have no desire to "rise America up" out of the depression. Their goal is to steal every last penny from the American people they can wring out. Lying all the time, they hope that by the time people realize what has occurred they will be able to distract and divert attention from themselves.

AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka is calling for Obama to move forward so that he can keep his prestigious spot in the New World order hierarchy. Click here to watch his speech from Sept.23, 2009, the eve of the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, where he supports the global carbon tax and calls for a "new economic order." Just like the Pope of the Catholic Church, The British Queen, the Dutch Royalty, the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate and other white collar criminals, the the union "protector" is a wolf in sheep's clothing. "Doing nothing is not an option," Trumka said at the Jobs Summit. "If we don't put people back to work, the deficit will get higher." This insane attitude fits in perfectly with the elite's formula of problem, reaction, solution. After the Philadelphia Transit workers demanded an audit of their pension funds and did not get one, the president of the AFL-CIO should have been furious. He wasn't because he is a compromised pawn willing to sell his fellow Americans into a grotesque form of communist slavery because he is scared or enamored with their allusion of strength.

We at The National Pulse implore union members to study the issues closely. Be wary when Philadelphia transit workers go on strike, demand an audit of the pension funds and the strike ends with no audit. Realize what is really occurring when the President of the Boston union is fired for alleged economic misconduct. Be enraged as debate heats up in Chicago about using union pension funds to bail out a failed Spire Building project. Realize that this is a zero-sum game that will end with a failed currency and hyperinflation.
How will you feel when your pension is not even a number on a ledger?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

And The Slow One Now Will Later Be Fast...

Most people, when they heard of the "Climategate" story, did not realize the gravitas of fabrication uncovered by the disclosure of the e-mails. Most people dismissed the findings as eggheads fighting a war amongst themselves which generally has no bearing on the everyday lives of Americans. However, the emails have exposed an insidious cabal trying to oppress the entire world with contrived "facts." If these facts were to be accepted, time would concrete them into the minds of the entire world even as the people would continue to suffer; existing to pay taxes to support a myth. But now, we know the entire theory was a fraud propagated by the very people doing the most polluting. The ringleader, Phil Jones, has stepped down and will likely face prosecution. Michael Mann, the "Hockey Stick" diagram architect, will also likely be asked to leave Penn State University as investigators find money behind the motives of the fraud.

Transparency, when it is allowed to happen, often impels change. Not the fake kind the Chairman of The United Nations Security Council, Obama, talks about, but real change- sea changes. The economic system is facing the opportunity for such change. This change is being fought by a cabal of people who have had great success in the current system. Keynesian economics, that is, the inflating of money by printing and the subsequent backing of that money by the government, has run its course. The system was built to fail eventually and that time is now. The Federal Reserve and all of the sycophantic economists the Fed has instituted at major universities are all backed into a corner. Similar to the climate scientists, these economists have conspired to purport the myth that inflation is a necessary component of any economy. These evil economists have suppressed the ideas of the Austrian School of Economics which espouses the sound money; money backed by a commodity.

Many climate scientists knew there was a nefarious plot to shroud the real data. About 31,500 American scientists, including 9,029 with Ph.D.s, have signed a petition that states that there is no convincing evidences that human activity caused global warming or that it will be a major issue in the foreseeable future. With the Copenhagen climate meeting looming on December 7, somebody thought the charade had gone far enough. If Chairman Obama goes ahead and signs away America's sovereignty with an international treaty, at least now real Americans who care about freedom and the Constitution will know the whole theory is a bullshit fraud.

The Federal Reserve is facing a similar predicament. Congressman Ron Paul has steadily been working to achieve this moment. The moment where all the excuses run out- the moment when all their threats and promises of annihilation are tested.

The bill is still being scrutinized, delayed, and denounced by all the supporters of the oppressive Fed. Barney Frank, the fat, unkempt, homosexual Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee is walking along the fence line on this issue. On one hand, the pressure from the public is becoming unavoidable. The bill went to committee and was gutted of all the essential provisions. Ron Paul then proposed the original bill as an amendment and it was accepted. Frank, however, has mostly hoped the bill would just go away so he could go back to his gay brothel. Speaking of the anti-Bernanke rhetoric that has ramped up in recent weeks, Frank replied, "That’s up in the air. Frankly, I’m worried about the way it’s perceived, and we’ll see what happens. If people are calm, then nothing will change.”

The Paul amendment will let everybody see the agreements the Fed has made with foreign central banks, foreign governments, and the massive amounts of paper money that has been printed. This is why the Federal Reserve is scared to death of an audit. What they have done is criminal, treasonous, and the American people will want their heads for what they have done. Frederick Mishkin has been the most vocal Fed crybaby recently.

Nevertheless, the world is changing and hopefully for the better. The people who think the solution is to grasp on to the remnants of the old order will be very mistaken. The genie is out of the bottle and more lies won't coax her back in.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Peace Is NOT An Option

Tonight, President Obama will announce the deployment of an additional 34,000 troops to the black hole of Afghanistan, bringing the total number of American troops in theater to approximately 108,000 men and women. This move will mark a continuation of the U.S. policy in the Middle East. Supporters of Obama, the people who elected him, will have to live with the fact that he is nothing but a puppet of the military industrial complex. No longer will he be "not as bad as Bush." Obama is committing a massive escalation of personnel after the war has already been lost.

Obama has known Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brzezinski since his college days at Columbia. He was hand-picked by the founding members of the Trilateral Commission to eventually lead the international bullying force of America. Obama's escalation will be in lockstep with Brzezinski's strategy for Central Asia. Basically, the 80 year-old immigrant believes that if the ancient Silk Road is controlled, the entire region can be controlled which is absolutely necessary to maintain American primacy in the world. America is continuing a goal set by the international military usurpers who control both major political parties in the United States. Brzezinski says it clearest himself in his book, The Grand Chessboard- American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives: "For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia. For half a millennium, world affairs were dominated by Eurasian powers and peoples who fought with one another for regional domination and reached out for global power. Now a non-Eurasian power is pre-eminent in Eurasia- and America's global primacy is directly dependent on how long and how effectively its preponderance on the Eurasian continent is sustained."

Obama's base refuses to open their eyes and recognize how badly they have been fooled. They genuinely thought he was different and would end the needless wars. In the upcoming "escalation" speech, Obama will set new goals and regurgitate some oft-used lies of the dreaded George W. Bush. Here is Bush lying about nation building in the 2000 campaign. The White House insists they won't be there long, won't nation build, and the commitment isn't open-ended. Even as high level State Department officials leave and clearly state their misgivings, Obama has chosen to plod forward in service of the globalists. (Click here to read Matthew Hoh's resignation letter) By now, if you can't see the repetition and pattern of lies, you have got to be either slow or gullible, or both.

Obama will no doubt call for the Afghan government to achieve peace and stability. Americans just can't seem to understand that not everyone wants to be like them. Some people enjoy their own culture. The Afghans are clearly a group of people that has rejected foreign yoke after foreign yoke. THEY DON'T WANT WESTERN STYLE DEMOCRACY. Besides, look where so-called democratic government has landed us- we have led the way for the uber-Communists as they make a last-ditch effort to either ruin or control the world.

The crashing economy and escalation of war means only one thing- a totalitarian domestic state. Heck, Obama promised it in the campaign. To the cheering sheep he announced that America needed a "civilian national security force" just as well funded as the military. The civilian force will be nothing more than neighborhood snitches, telling government officials that your family left the lights on all night and a fine should be warranted. Young people that grow up with this indoctrination will be forced into servitude of the country. The NFL has decided it wants to be part of Obama's Communistic Change. Click here to watch a video of Obama catching a pass from Drew Brees and the NFL espousing the values of "service" and "volunteerism."

"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

-Hermann Goering

Monday, November 30, 2009

Global Warming is a Complete Fraud!

"The threat of environmental crisis will be the 'international disaster key' to unlock the New World Order."

-Mikhail Gorbachev

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, a major story shook the scientific world. "Hackers" apparently obtained access to thousands of email correspondence between influential climate scientists from the University of East Anglia just outside of Norwich, England. The scientists who emails were exposed are part of the Hadley Climate Research Unit (CRU). The emails involved other scientists, such as Michael Mann, who does his climate work at Penn State University. Mann is famous for his "Hockey Stick" diagram which shows an incredible increase in global temperature in recent years, thus resembling a hockey stick. At first, only a few sites picked up the almost 63 megabytes of information. The Air Vent, Watts Up With That, and Climate Audit were some of the first sites to post the material. The mainstream media poo-pooed the breaking information, because they are willing participants in the creation of the New World Order. Even though the emails have been confirmed to be legitimate, no major news organ is examining the story with the scrutiny it deserves. This is an earth-shaking event- an event that could land the perpetrators of the New World Order behind bars, which is where they belong. An excellent account, along with many links in the development of the story, can be found here.

A number of emails stand out as especially criminal. At times, the scientists discuss the fudging of numbers, ousting other scientists who weren't in lock step with their view, and protecting their false information from scrutiny. Perhaps the most infamous one is from Phil Jones to other scientists, including the creator of the "hockey stick" diagram, Michael Mann. In it, he writes about disguising the decline of Earth temperatures which began in 1998:

I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land N of 20N. The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999 for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate for 1999 with data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998.
Thanks for the comments, Ray.
Cheers Phil

The main aspect of global warming was the need for politicians to act quickly because there wasn't "much more time left." Al Gore and the rest of the New World Order globalists have pushed hard and fast for legislation which would result in a carbon tax. Climategate, as the scandal is now known, is scientists systematically fighting for a lie under the guise of environmentalism. Since this falsehood would be the cornerstone and clincher for the one world government, most or all of these scientists involved in the global "cooling" coverup were paid or stood to be paid handsomely under the proposed world carbon tax. Therefore, the breaking of this information by a whistle blower comes at the eleventh hour, as Obama is about to travel to Copenhagen, Denmark and usurp the Constitution of the United States with a climate treaty between other nations. This "Climate Change" bill is to be the first agreement of the New World Order. These leaked emails blow the entire thing out of the water. Global warming is a myth just like unicorns and fairy godmothers.

With the New World Order so close to inception, the mainstream media has chosen the "Ron Paul strategy" they used during the election year of 2008. This strategy of just ignores the story completely and hope it goes away. This strategy relies on peoples' ignorance. The major outlets know the public has already been drummed with countless diatribes about how polar bears are dying and the rest, and they hope these false ideas will just hold long enough to achieve the loss of U.S. sovereignty for which they have worked so hard.

The globalists are in a race. They are in a race with the collapsing American dollar, the American peoples' intelligence, and Chinese patience and generosity. Though the wheels continue to fall off, they can't stop now. Until the American people realize the lies being told to them, the white collar thieves will continue to create havoc on the world.