Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Destroying America

No matter how improbable it looks, Obama keeps trudging forward with his tyrannical plan to cede the sovereignty of the United States. Even though most of the people that elected him have now deserted , or begged for a time out, he continues to talk down to Americans and placate the most stupid with lofty words that mean nothing. Nothing is fazing this man because the evil that assassinates is sponsoring him. He is not a populist; in fact he is far from it. He is a dyed-in-the-wool globalist usurper bent on destroying the fabric of this country in favor of a tyrannical world government.

Obama is hurriedly planning on attending the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen this December. After all, he is the Chairman of the U.N Security Council- a direct violation to the Constitution. Obama's announcement comes just days after the leaking of a whole bunch of data linking the climate "clique" to manipulation of the data. It turns out that the whole climate crisis has been one big hoax. Who would have thought that what Bernie Madoff told his son when he was apprehended would ring so true? Madoff told his son, "It was one big lie."

So, as the dollar continues to lose value and Obama offers no real solution, the press fawningly talks about the most ridiculous shit they can. What big-ass Michelle wore one day, what Obama likes to eat, they will talk about anything but what is happening to America because they are part of it and guilty. Ask Lou Dobbs.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Pension Fraud and Misappropriated Information

A photo was released by the White House showing the Administration "deliberating on Afghanistan." In that photo, surprisingly, was Peter Orszag. Orszag is Director of the Congressional Budget Office. In his Congressional Budget Office biography, his duties include "supervising the numerous analytical papers and cost estimates that the agency produces and, to present the results, frequently testifying before the Congress. In managing the agency, the Director is responsible for a staff of 235 people and an annual budget of roughly $40 million." The bio goes on, "Since Dr. Orszag began his term as the seventh Director of CBO on January 18, 2007, the agency has significantly expanded its focus on areas such as health care and climate change." In layman's terms, Orszag's tenure will be defined by misdirection, fabrication, and treachery.
Orszag's specialty fields are described as "pensions, Social Security, budget policy and politics, higher education policy, homeland security,macroeconomics, and tax policy." This is better defined as "stealing the money within those funds." What is clear is that the White House is terrified of opening up the books. Any books. They are terrified of the very slogan Obama ran on- TRANSPARENCY.

The press has used the deliberations over Afghanistan as a phony cover for meetings meant to decide how the Administration will deal with the inevitable financial collapse. Does anyone really think the elite need Obama to decide to send more troops? The Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Holbrooke, and Zgbinew Brzezinski run the wild-goose chase in Afghanistan. Obama and his minion czars have their work cut out dealing with the soon-to-be-irate American public. This is why they are opushing so hard for health care. People will be beholden to the government and have to participate in their destructive game.

A few weeks ago, the Philadelphia transit workers struck and demanded an audit of their pension funds. Eventually the strike was ended but the city refused the audit. Click here for an excellent play by play account of the strike. What were they so afraid of? The pensions are there, right?

On a larger scale, the Federal Reserve has played the same game. Even when the Obama Administration promised transparency, the Fed hides behind the cloak of "independence." When the Fed speaks of "independence," they mean secrecy. They are fighting like a bunch of crybabies to not be audited. Why would they object to a look into where all the tax dollars have gone, their agreements with foreign governments, and agreements with foreign central banks?

As the problems worsen, the lies become more visible and the attempts to explain more hapless. When the bailout of AIG occurred in the fall of 2008, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) provided the backstop for the peoples' money. The FDIC promised "$250,000 in insurance for interest-bearing accounts, up from $100,000. The FDIC also issued unlimited guarantees on non-interest- bearing accounts and newly issued unsecured bank debt." The FDIC is now broke. They are asking banks who received bailout money to help in future bank closures. The situation is much like water circling the drain.

There are no more second chances. There is no more credit to be had, no more resources to be wasted. The fiat money system will consume itself in a currency crisis marked by bank failures. No amount of book-cooking will be able to inject value into the already-dead dollar system. All Peter and rest can do is lie....and they will. The question is: Will people believe their Keynesian bullshit about the "full faith and credit" of the United States when their fixed incomes don't allow them to eat?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mandatory Health Care and The Mark of The Beast

Last Saturday night, the Senate voted to proceed ahead with debate of a terrible bill. Hidden in the more than 2000 pages (2074 pages to be exact) are provisions to "modernize the health care system" and "take health care into the 21st Century." Very little has changed since the summer when Americans became outraged over the many horrible parts of the original legislation. Still, the Congress has shown it really doesn't care what the American people think, they need money! Therefore, it is important to review what will be debated on the Senate floor next month.

The health care bill would force Americans to buy government health insurance. In the House bill, also sneakily approved on a Saturday night, an individual who refused to participate would be, according to Section 7201 and 7203, able to be "punished with a fine of up to $250,000 or 5 years imprisonment." The Senate version removed the jail time but it still requires people to purchase a health care plan. Requiring people to purchase health care or pay a penalty is completely un-Constitutional.

Mandatory participation is for no one's benefit but the Internal Revenue Service. When Republican legislators tried to wade through the monstrous bill, they constructed a flowchart of what the health care system would look like in practice. Instead of going right to your health care provider, consumers and businesses are pointed directly to the non-governmental Internal Revenue Service. The IRS is nothing but the strong-arm enforcer of the privately-owned Federal Reserve banks. The IRS will be in-between you and your doctor, with the full capability of knowing everything about you that your health care provider knows.

If there already wasn't enough control granted to government by providing all personal medical information to the non-governmental IRS, language in the bill leaves open the opportunity to implant the American people with microchips. Also being considered in the Senate debate will be on p.732, "(iv) Whether the model utilizes technology, such as electronic health records and patient-based remote monitoring systems, to coordinate care over time and across settings."

The government intends to use the technology to build large interpols of information from which they will be able to conduct research. Here is an excerpt from pg. 1683-1684, "(f) BUILDING DATA FOR RESEARCH- The Secretary shall provide for the coordination of relevant Federal Health programs to build data capacity for comparative clinical effectiveness research, including the development and use of clinical registries and health outcomes research data networks, in order to develop and maintain a comprehensive, interoperable data network to collect, link, and analyze data on outcomes and effectiveness from multiple sources, including electronic health records." So, all the people in the government health system are collated into one big computer system that will be able to judge effectiveness of treatment. The large pharmaceutical companies will be able to pinpoint effective and ineffective methods of treatment. Making the care mandatory and being the only game in town isn't enough for the government, though. They want to own you; like a pet.

The Food and Drug Administration, way back in 2004, approved an implantable microchip with applications to record health information. This implantable chip was categorized as a "class II medical device intended for humans.' The microchip is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue of the patient's arm or hand. Click here to view the letter from the FDA describing in detail approval The VeriChip Health Information Transponder System. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been around for a while. American passports contain an RFID chip. Many businesses that require employers to wear identification tags have RFID technology embedded in the ID cards. The applications that are able to be accessed from a tiny chip are countless, much like the iPhone.

In the Senate Health Care bill, the bill does not explicitly call for "implantable devices." What the bill does define are all acceptable "medical devices." On pgs. 2022-2023, the bill describes any "medical device that (A) has been classified in class II under section 513 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360c) and is primarily sold to consumers at retail for not more than $100 per unit." The VeriChip Health Information Transponder System was approved and classified as "class II." Therefore, senators will be debating the micro chipping of human beings.

After all, isn't this really what they are after? Why else would they be ramming health care legislation through when the country is bankrupt and the central bank is refusing to be audited? Why else would they be forcing Americans to purchase health care when the value of the dollar is decreasing by the hour? Answer: It is because they think you are stupid and their property!

Time after time, government has shown they want more of your money- now they want to determine your existence. With a chipped population, the possibilities are endless for control freaks like the New World Order globalists. A planned economy, normally doomed for failure because people cannot out-think human action, could be a reality. Elite bureaucrats would be able to unfairly and immorally tinker with everything, making enormous profits by knowing the likes and dislikes of their human pets.

Could this be the evil foretold by the Book of Revelation?

Revelation 13:16-18 (The Living Bible published by Tyndale House Publishing, Inc.)
16: ”He required everyone – great and small, rich and poor, slave and free – to be tattooed with a mark on the right hand or the forehead.”

17: “And no one could get a job or even buy in any store without the permit of that mark, which was either the name of the Creature or the code number of his name.”

18: “Here is a puzzle that calls for careful thought to solve it. Let those who are able, interpret this code: the numerical values of the letters in his name add to 666.”