Thursday, March 26, 2009

The New New Deal: Attack Everybody

America has embroiled itself in unnecessary conflicts all over the globe.  They are desperately, as it now seems, trying to rescue the inevitably doomed dollar.  The answer:  more war; specifically;  a LOT more war. 

Because nobody knows for sure about the specifics of the global elite's plan for world domination, one can only speculate.  A fair assessment of the facts and the possibilities to follow could go like this:

The bank bailout money is being used in part to manipulate the market from utter failure.  This is meant to buy time- enough to start a conflict or conflicts, which will, and the international financiers hope, cause an economic boom, coupled with more media-induced fear, forcing the public to give up more liberty.  This is what the fascists like:  crisis management.  If there is no crisis, they will create one.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Secret Role of the Global Currency

All semantics aside, the Obama Administration will be a supporting agent in the quest for a one-world currency. In the short term, the bankers and the government may settle for a North American currency. An entirely new monetary system is necessary to wipe the books clean and start afresh. It remains the only viable option to rescue the dollar and have the current establishment also retain power.

A logical person would conclude that the Obama Administration has to see the inevitable collapse of the dollar if the same freedoms are allowed the people. The economy must be restricted to the degree which will extract all the wealth from the people to pay for all the unlawful transgressions in the corporate welfare scam. This cannot be done under the bright lights of publicity. If the people know their intentions are sinister before measures are agreed upon, they will become incensed.

Last night in his press conference, Obama skillfully eluded the questioner's point, admitting world currency discussions and then denying his support for a global currency. Listen closely to the YouTube on the bottom of this link ........ right at about 2 minutes and 50 seconds..... Obama states, "though we are going through a rough patch, the prospects of the world economy is very strong." There is a weird beeping noise as Obama tries to finish this sentence. The first time around, even the editor's of the Pulse didn't get this admission by Obama of the elite's attempt of world government.

Obama has merely changed the wording of a "one world government." He has chosen to ignore the issue of currency completely, acting as if the exchange of the actual article matters not. Also, his main point on this subject has been to warn against the dangers of protectionism, preying on the ignorance of people who still believe that the United States is still in a position of dictating terms of policy to the world. Americans could care less about having a "global" economy. Americans want a dependable, strong, American economy that enjoys a relationship with other sovereign nations. Obama's most consistent trait is that he says one thing and then does the exact opposite. By perpetuating myths, whether it be about the dollar's ability to be viable in the future or ending warfare, he uses the ignorance of the masses against the people. This is the cruel joke played on the good people who have been duped by his insidious lies.

Obama's neglect of discussing the currency isn't so hard to figure out when other abuses of local government occur, worst of all in Obama's home state. Chicago, an increasingly oppressive city, recently sold the street parking meters to a subsidiary of Morgan Stanley, one of the bankrupt hedge funds that managed to plunge country into bankruptcy. Right now, a quarter buys a whole seven minutes. Their plan is to eliminate cash in the meters altogether in six months.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Liars and Thieves

Today in front of the House Financial Services Committee, Timmy Geithner and Ben Bernanke sat as usual; ambiguously answering questions. Bernanke's visits to the committee are usually characterized by bravado and assurances of hard work and then much sweating and stammering during Dr. Ron Paul's statement and questions.

Today it was extremely refreshing to see Congresswoman Michele Bachmann grill these two traitors. She repeatedly asked them what right the Constitution gives them for their actions regarding AIG. Right away, this made them both chippy and they asserted, "The Congress gave us the right!" After the back and forth bantering on this subject, Bachmann delivered a great question. She asked whether the Federal Reserve and the U.S. was considering moving away from the dollar as the reserve currency of the world in favor of a global currency. They both denied this with incredible confidence and speed.

It is very unlikely that Bernanke and Geithner have not been part of meetings discussing the possibility of a global currency. The time just hasn't been right for whatever reason to let teh American people know. It is as if they believe the U.S. exists on some island bereft of all media. Leaders around the world have been begging for a new global order. British P.M. Gordon Brown has been pleading for a new world order. China has been the most recent superpower to suggest a new world order. Why is the U.S. acting so coy? The U.S. is definitely scared of the repercussions of such a statement. Look for Obama to try to break the news to the American public tonight (Tues, 3/24) on a purposely constructed question by some sycophant in the media.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Domination of the Undead

Few Americans understand the unsavory cast of characters who form our daily foreign policy. These men, most of them octo-generarians, are privy to our nation's
and the world's deepest secrets. Last month, at the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy, National Security Advisor James Jones made a startling admission. "Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here."

The National Security Council appears in the news rarely, usually as a shadowy predictor of future policy or an organization that voices its concern about potential foreign policy issues (real or imagined) confronting the United States. It is not altogether clear the job requirements for admission to the council. Two top-ranking officials, Zgbinew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger were not born in America.

Henry Kissinger seems to have an affinity for war and strife. Kissinger's past work has been a study in annihilation. During the Nixon Administration, Kissinger was responsible for bombing 
Cambodia into the Stone Age and setting the stage for a genocide of millions in that country. Still active on the world scene in his 80's, Kissinger pulls no punches when speaking about the New World Order. America should consider ridding themselves of his appetite for pain and destruction because he is truly scary. Or if they believe, as he does, that they are not very smart or engaged with their futures, do nothing.